Heidi Five Little Peppers and How They Grew บทแสดงละครสั้นๆ

 Five Little Peppers and How They Grew

Characters : Mamsie , Ben , Polly , Joey , Davie , Phronsie , Jasper , Mr.king , Doctor


Once Upon a time, Mamsie wakes up children and promises to be educated for them. And the children have breakfast. Phronsie said someday we will be rich. Ben

Ben said you did not say I hope we are rich today on Mamsie's birthday. Polly knows that if we can really celebrate. But we must have a surprise Wednesday.

Jasper asked Polly and Ben, Why you sit here? What you cry? Polly said guys I’m crying about that We ain’t got the money to buy flour.If I was gonna bake a cake. Jasper will help you. (Give flour) Polly, thanks and Go to make a cake.

Jasper having a birthday party tonight too.Ben said A big cake for you! Jasper said The One Polly’s making for your mother will be just as good. better be getting back. Phronsie said You came back to see us again. Polly,Thanks for flour. He said That’s allright. Polly gives flowers as birthday presents to him. goodbye.                           

Two hours later,Peppers said A birthday surprise! We want to bake a cake for you.Phronsie said Mamsie! I hope you’re happy.Mamsie,Thank you.

Phronsie sick too, sick of oatmeal, will we ever have anything else to eat. Polly said Someday we will have lots and lots of food and ice cream. Phronsie, With pink on top? Polly said More pink icing than even you can eat.

Mr.king visit the Little Brown House with Jasper. Polly make a delicious meal for them. Mr.king said it's delicious. Where’s your mother working? Polly said The overall doctrine Christmas. Mr.king,You’re not Polly. You’re all worn out you should send for your mother. Polly said no. She’d get terribly worried besides i can manage your alright. Then,she is faint.

Doctor said Polly eyes are very bad. Mommy, I’m afraid.The next day. Eye check    Polly said Mommy, I’m blind. No! you be alright.The night Phronsie Blessings from the stars, Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the lord my soul to keep. I’m please help doctor and me make my sister Polly’s eyes well again and bless so good to mommy Polly Ben Davie Joey and Me.Then, Polly, Her eyes were healed.

Five Little Peppers and How They Grew บทสนทนา

Characters : Mamsie , Ben , Polly , Joey , Davie , Phronsie , Jasper , Mr.king , Doctor

Situation 1 : Happy Days at the Little Brown House. Mamsie go to work.

Mamsie/          : Wake up! I have to go to work. See you everyone.

Peppers/         : I must get schooling for them somehow. I must. (Goodbye)

Joey Davie/          : We’re hungry.

Polly/       : Let’s eat!

Phronsie/          : Someday, We’re going to be awfully rich, aren’t we Ben?

Ben/       : You don’t say. I wish we could be rich now, in time for Mamsie’s birthday.

Polly/          : I know, If only we could really celebrate it.

Washing the dish.

Polly/          : Ben, we must have a brithday surprise for mamsie.

Ben/            : How, Polly?

Polly/          : Oh, I know.I’ll bake her a cake!

Ben/            : Good for you.

Situation 2 : at a pure house.They need flour to bake a cake.

Jasper/       : Why you sit here? What you cry?

Polly/        : guys I’m crying about that.

Ben/       : We ain’t got the money to buy flour.If I was gonna bake a cake.

Jasper/        : I will help you. Wait a minutes. (Give flour)

Polly/        : Wow, thanks. Go to make a cake!

Situation 3: In the Little Brown House. Everyone Help to make a cake.

Jasper/        : I’m having a birthday party tonight too.

Ben/       : Oh, A big cake for you.

Jasper/        : Well, The One Polly’s making for your mother will be just as good. Well, I better be getting back.

Phronsie/        : You came back to see us again.

Polly/        : Thanks for flour.

Jasper/        : That’s allright. Well, goodbye.

Polly/        : Goodbye. Just a minute. Amm Happy birthday.

Jasper/        : Thanks a lot. goodbye.

Sing a song happy birthday for Mamsie.

Peppers/        : A birthday surprise! 

Polly/        : We want to bake a cake for you.

Phronsie/        : Mamsie! I hope you’re happy.

Mamsie/        : Thank you (Hug everyone)

Situation 3: at the Little Brown House. One day Phronsie’s sick.

Phronsie/        : Oh, dear. I’m sick too. I’m sick of oatmeal, will we ever have anything else to eat.

Polly/        : Someday we will have lots and lots of food (and ice cream)

Phronsie/        : With pink on top?

Polly/        : More pink icing than even you can eat, Phronsie pepper. (laughing)

Situation 4: Last week, Polly look after Peppers very hard. She Can’t sleep.

Mr.king visit the Little Brown House with Jasper. Polly make a delicious meal for them.

Mr.king /         : it's delicious. Where’s your mother working?

Polly/        : The overall doctrine Christmas.

Mr.king /         : You’re not Polly. You’re all worn out you should send for your mother. 

Polly/        : Oh, no. She’d get terribly worried besides i can manage your alright.

Mr.king /         : What’s the matter Polly? 

Polly/        : I’m alright. (faint)

Mr.king /         : Polly! Polly! (Take her to her room.)

Situation 5 : In Polly bedroom.

Doctor/        : Her eyes are very bad.

Polly/        : Mom, Where are you?

Mamsie/        : Here, I am dear.

Polly/        : Mommy, I’m afraid. (crying)

(The next day.) Eye check

Polly/        : Oh, Mommy, I’m blind.

Mamsie/        : No! you be alright.

(The night Phronsie Blessings from the stars)

Mr.king /         : What are you doing here? Why aren’t you in bed?

Phronsie/        : My cousin I forgot something.

Mr.king /         : forgot something.

Phronsie/        : I forgot to say my prayers.

Mr.king /         : Alright. Let’s start.

Phronsie/        : Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the lord my soul to keep. I’m please help doctor and me make my sister Polly’s eyes well again and bless so good to mommy Polly Ben Davie Joey and Me.

Then, Polly, Her eyes were healed. 

The End.
